Harmonic Drive LLC | 42 Dunham Ridge, Beverly, MA 01915 | 800-921-3332
Harmonic Drive and Harmonic Planetary are registered trademarks of Harmonic Drive.

HarmonicPlanetary® HPN Series

HPN Series



Precision Helical Gearing

HPN Planetary gearheads feature a robust design utilizing ground helical gears for quiet performance and long life. The HPN Series is dimensionally compatible with popular gearhead models. They are are designed to couple to virtually any servomotor with our Quick Connect® coupling, are available with short lead times and are priced to deliver great value. 

Precision manufacturing of the HPN enables it to deliver low backlash not just for a few hundred hours, but for the life of the gear.

Click here to see our Planetary Gearboxes 



Gearhead Construction and Easy Motor Mounting with our Quick Connect® Coupling

Easily connect your servomotor to our HPN gearhead with our Quick Connect coupling. 

  • Low Backlash: Less than 5 arc-min for single stage (Less than 7 arc-min for 2 stage)
  • Gear Ratios, 3:1 to 31:1
  • High Efficiency
  • Precision Ground Helical Gearing
  • High-Torque Capacity

Contact us if you have any questions or would like more information. We love to talk about our technology, and welcome your call or email.


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Hours 8:00am - 5:00pm EST
Monday through Friday